Applications, Forms and Permits
Information about the different permits and forms that the Engineering Department is responsible for can be found below.
The full list of permits available online can be found by visiting the City of West Allis OpenGov homepage.
More information regarding the fees associated with these permits can be found on the City's fee schedule.
Commercial & Residential Accessibility Parking Zones
If a property owner wishes to designate an area, either in front of or adjacent to their property, for the specific purpose of accommodating accessibility parking they may do so with these applications.
Property owners may use the Commercial Accessibility Parking or Residential Accessibility Parking applications to apply for these zones.
Daytime Parking Permits
If on-street parking has become difficult around your home during the day due to commuters coming into the City of West Allis you may be eligible for a daytime parking permit.
Residents may apply using the Daytime Parking application.
Loading & Special Parking Zones
If a business owner wishes to designate an area, either in front of or adjacent to their property, for the specific purposes of loading and unloading goods or to create a time limited parking zone they may do so with this application.
Business owners may use the Loading or Special Parking application to apply for either of these zones.
Municipal Parking Lots
Anyone who wishes to park in a City owned parking lot overnight or for 24 hours must first obtain a parking permit
Individuals may use the Parking Permit Application to obtain approval for parking in City lots.
Temporary Street Occupancy & Dumpster Permits
Any company or individual who wishes to temporarily obstruct part of the Right Of Way must obtain a permit prior to the obstruction being placed in the road.
Anyone looking to occupy the City's Right Of Way can apply for the permit using the Temporary Street Occupancy (Dumpster) Application.
Utility Provider Registration
Any company looking to place facilities, and any contractor who will be installing those facilities, within the City of West Allis' Right Of Way will need to be registered prior to being issued any permits.
Companies and organizations can register using the Utility Provider Registration form.
Pre-qualification Application For Bids
Any company looking to bid on West Allis contracts will need to be pre-qualified with the City first.
Companies and organizations can become pre-qualified through the Pre-Qualification Application for Bids.
Concrete Contractor Licensing & Bonding
Anyone who wishes to complete concrete work within the City of West Allis Right Of Way will need to be licensed and bonded with the City prior to work commencing.
To become a licensed concrete contractor with the City of West Allis complete the Concrete Contractor License and Bond Application.
Construction or Replacement of Sidewalk
Anyone who wishes to construct, maintain, or replace City sidewalk located on their property must obtain a permit prior to work starting.
Approval for sidewalk work can be obtained through the Construction or Replacement of Sidewalk Application.
Construction or Replacement of Driveway Approach
Anyone who wishes to construct, maintain, or replace the portion of a driveway that is located within the City's Right Of Way must obtain a permit prior to work starting.
Approval for driveway approach work can be obtained through the Construction or Replacement of Driveway Approach Application.
Street Excavation & Maintenance (Right Of Way) Permits
Any company looking to complete work, including maintenance and repair work, within the City of West Allis' Right Of Way will need to obtain a permit prior to construction starting.
Companies may apply for these permits through the Street Excavation and Maintenance Application.
Oversized & Overweight Load Permits
Any company looking to transport oversized or overweight loads on City of West Allis streets must obtain a permit prior to travel.
Companies may apply for this type of permit using Transportation of Oversized or Overweight Load Application.