City Attorney's Office and Court Information
The City attorney handles all legal issues in which the City is interested. As one might expect, that means our lawyers handle all areas of law that impact local government. But the City attorney also represents a municipal corporation with $130 million in annual revenue, 60,000 customers every day, and over 500 full-time employees and takes on many of the same issues faced by lawyers who work for a private company of a similar size.
Due to the unique mix of corporate and government interests in a City, the small team of attorneys and staff must provide a wide variety of legal services in order to best serve the community, including
Advising the Common Council and all of its committees.
Advising the mayor, the alderpersons, all City employees, and all commissions, authorities, and boards.
Drafting and reviewing ordinances and resolutions.
Rendering legal opinions at the request of elected officials and department heads.
Defending the City against any lawsuits including claims for damages, tax assessment claims, writs of certiorari, mandamus actions, and appeals at every court level.
Prosecuting municipal ordinance violations.
Abating public nuisances.
Drafting and reviewing real estate development agreements.
Acquiring and conveying real estate.
Drafting and reviewing City contracts for infrastructure work, professional services, purchasing, and consulting.
Managing risk and liability through insurance requirements and indemnification agreements.
Collecting debts owed to the City
Representing the city in administrative and quasi-judicial hearings.
Handling all employment law related matters, including labor negotiations, worker's compensation, and employment-related claims.
Practicing law related to elections, federal and state constitutions, public records, open meetings, tax increment financing, pollution and environmental conditions, bankruptcy, zoning, licensing, housing, and much more.
Explore this site to learn more about what the city attorney's office does for West Allis.
Please note:
The City attorney's office only represents the City of West Allis as a municipal corporation. City attorneys cannot provide legal advice to any individual. Why is that? Find out more.