City Tree Planting
West Allis loves its trees! We are proud of the beautiful trees in our parks, neighborhoods, and business corridors. Each year, Forestry crews plant hundreds of new trees throughout the City. Here's how they do it:

Most City trees are planted in spring. After the locations have been selected and the trees have been ordered the next step is to contact Digger's Hotline so that all underground utilities can be marked, which allows crews to dig safely.

Once the hole is dug, the tree is centered and straightened to be aligned with other trees on the block.

After refilling the hole, crews add stakes and straps to keep the tree in the correct position.

Fertilizer is applied to help the tree grow, and mulch is added to retain moisture and prevent erosion. A tree guard is added to protect the trunk from trimmer blades and lawn mowers.

Finally, the tree gets watered, and will be maintained by City crews.
What About Trees on My Property?
The City tree at my property has been removed. Will it be replaced?
In most cases, yes. Most trees in the City will be replaced three years after the previous tree was removed.
Why isn't there a City tree at my property?
The most common reasons we aren't able to plant City trees at properties are underground utility conflicts; close proximity to light poles, traffic signals, or stop signs; private trees that are too close; other City trees too close; close proximity to a carriage walk or driveway approach; or a former owner of the property requested no tree be planted. You can contact the Forestry office to find out why a tree has not been planted at your property.
What can I do to help a newly planted tree at my property?
The Forestry crews will return to water trees that have been newly planted, but we'll take any help we can get from property owners! When a new tree is planted, an information card is left at the property giving instructions on how to water trees during warm and dry conditions.