Cross Connection
Cross Connection
The City of West Allis is currently visiting homes and businesses in our service area to perform sump pump and cross connection inspections. This important free benefit is being done in order to ensure that our customers continue to receive the highest quality water and waste water service available at the most reasonable cost. In accordance with Chapter 16.84(1) - (6) Cross Connection Control and Chapter 16.78(6) - (8) Sump Pump Discharge of the Municipal Code and as mandated by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR 810.15) and Department of Safety and Professional Services Chapters DSPS 381-384, the City will be conducting periodic inspections for possible "Cross Connections" of the water supply. These periodic inspections are mandated once every 10 years for residential customers and once every two years for commercial and industrial customers. Inspections of residential customers can be by appointment with the Plumbing Inspector or with the Water Utility at scheduled water meter change outs.
The purpose of the inspection is to identify any connections or potential connections of contaminant sources with the water system in all buildings in the City of West Allis. While occurrences of this are infrequent, the inspection provides that extra step beyond monitoring the water in the public system for safety.