Engineering Links

Here you can find an extensive inventory of engineering related webpage links and documents. This includes links to bid on City projects, City design standards, and educational material for those interested in learning more about the engineering profession.

Bidding on City Projects

The City of West Allis procures all bids for public projects through an online software called QuestCDN. Information on what City projects are currently out for bid can be found there.

Regulations and Standards

Listed below are the governing regulations that guide the design of City infrastructure and the standards the City holds ourselves, contractors, and residents to.

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District provides great information on a variety of topics related to sanitary sewage and stormwater management. Use the links below to better understand how you can play a role in the proper management of our State's waters.

  • To learn how to avoid a wet basement, visit the managing water on your property page.

  • If your sanitary lateral is failing you may be eligible for financial assistance through the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. Visit the Pipe Check Program homepage to learn more.

  • Information about what green infrastructure is and how it's used can be found on the Green Infrastructure page.

  • Learn more about installing green infrastructure like a rain garden.

  • How to capture and use stormwater for home use with a rain barrel.

Respect Our Waters

The City of West Allis has partnered with Respect Our Waters and surrounding municipalities to help raise awareness of the water quality issues faced by urban communities. Follow the links below to learn more about how each of us effects Wisconsin rivers and lakes!

Professional Organizations

Professional organizations that City forces are active in or partner with include: