Fire Safety Programs

Juvenile Fire Safety Program

The West Allis Juvenile Fire Safety program has served as a model program throughout Wisconsin and parts of the program have been used by fire departments throughout the United States and Canada. Our City is one of ten that has passed legislation making it illegal for minors to possess or purchase ignition devices, thus keeping these dangerous devices out of the hands of children. National statistics show that 40 to 60% of all children will play with fire before age 17. Many of the children seen by our fire safety educators were referred to the program through fire and police contacts, and children's court referrals, but the majority from were referred by a parent. This program identifies children who continue to play with fire despite fire safety messages from programs such as Survive Alive or information distributed at Fire Prevention Week.

For additional information regarding this program, please contact the Bureau of Fire Prevention at (414) 302-8901.

Survive Alive Program

This program presents fire safety lessons that have prevented fires and saved lives in our City. The Survive Alive House is located within the West Allis Recreation Center at 2450 S. 68th St. The house consists of an actual-size bedroom, hallway, stairs and porch area that enable firefighters to teach fire safety behaviors. The house was built with community raised funds and its maintenance is overseen by a Board of Directors comprised of members from the West Allis/West Milwaukee School District, West Allis Fire Department, and the community.

For more information regarding this program, please contact the Bureau of Fire Prevention at (414) 302-8901.