If you own a business that is protected by a fire sprinkler system and the sprinkler system is damaged and inoperable for any length of time, notify the Fire Department and initiate a fire watch.

All other facilities shall have fire watch personnel patrol the facility every 30 minutes. This shall be further clarified that each physical area of the facility shall be physically inspected at 30-minute intervals. Therefore, if the facility is too large to be patrolled by one person within a 30-minute time frame, additional personnel shall be required.

What is a Fire Watch?

A fire watch involves having one or more people specifically tasked with:

  • Alerting the fire department and building occupants if there’s an emergency.

  • Preventing fires from starting.

  • Putting out small fires.

  • Protecting people from fire dangers.

Purpose of a Fire Watch

A fire watch should have trained people who patrol the area regularly. They need to have access to fire extinguishers and be able to quickly call the fire department. While patrolling, they should also check that other fire safety systems like alarms and exit routes are working properly.

Who Can Order a Fire Watch

The Fire Department can require a fire watch if there are dangerous conditions or if important fire safety features are not working.

Minimum Fire Watch Requirements

  1. Regular patrols by trained staff.

  2. Informing the West Allis Fire Department about the fire watch.

  3. Clear ways to communicate in case of an emergency and to start evacuations if needed.

  4. Keeping a detailed log of the fire watch, including dates, times, names, and signatures.

Qualifications for Fire Watch Personnel:

Anyone assigned a fire watch should be trained every year in:

  • Using fire extinguishers.

  • Reporting emergencies.

  • Evacuating people.

  • Knowing the building’s layout.

  • Recognizing fire hazards.

  • Understanding safety policies.


  • Set up a direct way to contact the Fire Department.

  • Patrol the entire facility regularly.

  • Keep a log of fire watch activities.

  • Know how to use fire protection equipment.

  • Report any fire hazards by calling 9-1-1 and providing details.

  • If people are in the building, make sure they evacuate. Use alarms if they’re working.

  • The fire watch personnel should only focus on the fire watch duties, not other tasks.

Patrol Frequency

  • For buildings with people sleeping, institutional buildings, or places with large gatherings, patrol every 15 minutes.

  • For other buildings, patrol every 30 minutes. If the building is too big for one person to cover in 30 minutes, more personnel are needed.

Record Keeping

Detailed records must be kept, and a form provided by the West Allis Fire Department should be used. Submit this log for each 24-hour period of the fire watch. You can Email West Allis Fire Department. Keep this log at the facility for at least one year.

If you make your own log, include

  • The building address.

  • Who set up the fire watch.

  • Dates and times the fire watch started and ended.

  • Name and signature of the person doing the fire watch.

  • Times each person was on duty.

  • How to contact the fire department.

  • Any unusual occurrences or notes.

  • Any other required information.

Special Fire Watch Cases

  • If a fire protection system is out for over 10 hours, arrange for a fire watch or other safety measures.

  • If a fire alarm system is down for more than 4 hours, notify the fire authority, evacuate the building, or provide a fire watch.

Impairment Notification

Notify the West Allis Fire Department of any system failures lasting more than 4 hours. Send an email to Email West Allis Fire Department and call 414-302-8900 during business hours.

Owner Responsibilities

  • Ensure qualified fire watch personnel are in place.

  • Inform the monitoring company and the fire department about system issues.

  • Schedule any needed inspections or tests.

  • Only the fire department can end a fire watch.

  • Hire a licensed company for repairs and keep records of the repairs.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or need help with these requirements!

Feel free to print out a sample Fire Watch Log Sheet for your use.

Disposal of Smoke Alarms