Land Surveying
When Do You Need a Professional Land Surveyor?
The National Society of Professional Surveyors provides information which can help property owners know when to hire a surveyor. They suggest hiring a surveyor when:
Purchasing a home.
A lender requires you to have flood insurance.
Installation of fencing.
Building additions.
City Limitations
Due to legal liability, the City of West Allis cannot perform the following services:
Property surveys.
Marking lot corners.
Marking/establishing lot lines.
The property owner is solely responsible for hiring a professional land surveyor or land surveying company and negotiating fees for the service.
Additional Resources
The City of West Allis has a large collection of plats of surveys on file in the Code Enforcement office. Property owners and residents are able to obtain a copy through submitting a Record Request.
In addition to the documents that the City has, residents may find property information by searching the Milwaukee County Geographic Information System.
More information about joining a local professional surveying organization can be found by visiting the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors.