Rebecca Grill was appointed City Administrator of the City of West Allis in fall of 2014. In her role, Ms. Grill oversees twelve city departments and over 500 employees, and is responsible for managing the City according to the mission, policies, budget, and Five Year Strategic Plan adopted by the West Allis Common Council.
Five Year Strategic Plan
As City Administrator, Ms. Grill serves as the leader of numerous strategic actions outlined in the City of West Allis Five Year Strategic Plan, and is accountable for spearheading implementation of the Plan throughout the City. Priority tasks include creating a "Citizen 101 Academy" as part of Strategic Goal Number 3, "Citizen Engagement." This multi-channel project will deepen citizen and stakeholder knowledge regarding city services and projects, and will keep residents apprised of the progress and outcomes of the Strategic Plan's implementation as it occurs.
In collaboration with other departments, the City Administrator is also tasked with leading all strategic actions associated with Strategic Goal Number 5, "Excellence in Government." This goal ensures that the City of West Allis will continually review the best methods for effective and efficient service delivery to internal and external stakeholders by utilizing continuous improvement and LEAN operation techniques.
Ms. Grill has been instrumental in coordinating training on LEAN principles for City staff and stakeholders, and has developed opportunities to encourage innovation within City departments. She is also responsible for coordinating preparation and administration of the annual City budget.
Education & Background
Ms. Grill received her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Valparaiso University, and her Master of Business Administration Degree in Finance from Concordia University. She is a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk Association, the Metro Milwaukee Clerk Association, and the National Bureau of Licensing Officials.
Prior to joining the City of West Allis, Ms. Grill worked for the City of Milwaukee as Common Council City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, and License Division Manager. She previously held positions with the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee and in the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.