Our Vision: City of West Allis Strategic Plan
Mission Statement
The City of West Allis exists to provide
Cost effective municipal services consistent with the needs and desires of the West Allis community including residents, businesses and other community stakeholders.
For the health, safety and welfare of the community.
A quality living and working environment.
A positive, progressive and creative approach to the budget, management and operations of the City.
Vision Statement
West Allis desires to become the preferred City for visitors, residents, and businesses.
The City of West Allis has five core values which guide how we perform our work and conduct ourselves.
Service Excellence
Continuous Improvement
Open and Transparent
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan is used
As a road map for the City's future and to measure the progress made.
To ensure resources are being allocated to the appropriate programs and services.
To establish City budgeting priorities and develop and implement programs to effectuate progress toward future goals.
To provide greater accountability.
To create shared visions and innovations City-wide.
Strategic Plan Focus Areas for 2022 - 2026
Community - to have a community that is healthy, accessible, attractive and open to all community members and visitors.
Destination - to have a community that attracts businesses, engages in partnerships and is considered a safe and attractive place to live, work and visit.
Finance - to have a City government that is fiscally responsible and aligns organizational resources with the needs of the community.
Infrastructure - to create a long-term approach to investing in, managing and maintaining the City's physical assets.
Organizational Excellence - to have a City government that makes investments in employees and is accountable and transparent in its practices.