First shift patrol is always ready and willing to handle a wide variety of situations as well as serve and protect the citizens of West Allis on a daily basis. The preservation of life and the prevention of injury is a top priority. In addition to patrolling the city and answering calls for service, officers are encouraged to be proactive by doing such things as conducting foot patrol and traffic / parking enforcement (including OWI detection), executing arrest warrants, and looking for suspicious persons / activity. Officers are also required to process people who are arrested, prepare written reports to document their activities / investigations, and make court appearances to assist in the prosecution of those who violate local, state, and / or federal laws.
In addition, first shift patrol routinely handles a number of other unique duties. In addition to their regular duties, they routinely transport prisoners, perform bailiff duties in West Allis Municipal Court, assist with wide load escorts, assist with conducting follow up for the Criminal Investigations Bureau, and assist other departments within the city. Furthermore, on the weekends, first shift Officers perform the duties of the Court Liaison Officer, Warrant Officers, and Traffic Investigators.
Traffic Investigators
Two traffic investigators are also assigned to first shift. Investigative tasks may include obtaining search warrants for evidence, interviewing drivers, victims, and witnesses, obtaining medical records, downloading and analyzing the collision-related electronic data from the involved vehicles, analyzing headlight filaments, roadway evidence, processing blood evidence, and more. The reconstructionist additionally assists the Police Department's Criminal Investigations Unit in recreating scenes involving death investigations and other serious crimes with forensic mapping.
All Traffic Investigators are certified to detect and apprehend drivers under the influence of alcohol. The Traffic Bureau currently has one officer trained and certified as a Drug Recognition Expert, skilled in identifying drivers under the influence of drugs. The Traffic Investigators also train current and new Officers in the proper use of radar, Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, accident reporting, and electronic citations. The Traffic Investigators also assist in the Citizen Police Academy and make presentations at schools, conferences, and community events.
Parking Control Officers
The Police Department employs three full time Parking Control Officers, one of which is assigned to first shift. They are utilized to enforce overnight parking regulations and enforce parking ordinances. They also assist with crossing guard duties and other civilian based tasks within the police department. Parking Control Officers issue approximately 10,000 to 15,000 parking citations annually.
Second Shift
Second shift patrol hours are from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. However, officers meet for assembly 15 minutes prior to the start of their shift to receive their squad assignment for the shift. During assembly, officers are also apprised of significant incidents that recently occurred. Additionally, officers are shown crime maps, given surveillance requests, and provided with shift briefing training.
Second shift patrol is comprised of 28 sworn officers. A Captain oversees all three shifts in the Patrol Bureau; however, a lieutenant commands second shift patrol. The lieutenant is assisted by three road sergeants, and two desk sergeants.
Second shift patrol is always ready and willing to handle a wide variety of situations as well as serve and protect the citizens of West Allis on a daily basis. The preservation of life and the prevention of injury is a top priority. In addition to patrolling the city and answering calls for service, officers are encouraged to be proactive by doing such things as conducting foot patrol and traffic / parking enforcement (including OWI detection), executing arrest warrants, and looking for suspicious persons / activity. Officers are also required to process people who are arrested, prepare written reports to document their activities / investigations, and make court appearances to assist in the prosecution of those who violate local, state, and / or federal laws.
Calls for Service
Second shift officers are used to handling a high volume of calls, as approximately 45 to 50% of all calls for service occur during second shift hours. Second shift patrol is fortunate to have two officers who are assigned to the Weed and Seed Program. These officers work closely with the Community Services Unit to increase the police involvement with citizens, social agencies, and other city departments in an effort to improve the social, health, educational and physical environment of the neighborhood residents. Officers work in cooperation with citizens and business owners to solve the problems throughout the city. Officers also conduct alcohol and tobacco compliance checks at local businesses.
Third Shift
Third shift patrol hours are from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. However, officers meet for assembly 15 minutes prior to the start of their shift to receive their squad assignment for the shift. During assembly, officers are also apprised of significant incidents that recently occurred. Additionally, officers are also shown crime maps, given surveillance requests, and provided with shift briefing training.
Third shift patrol is comprised of 23 sworn officers. A Captain oversees all three shifts in the Patrol Bureau; however, a lieutenant commands third shift patrol. The lieutenant is assisted by three road sergeants and two desk sergeants.
Third shift patrol is always ready and willing to handle a wide variety of situations as well as serve and protect the citizens of West Allis on a daily basis. The preservation of life and the prevention of injury is a top priority. In addition to patrolling the city and answering calls for service, officers are encouraged to be proactive by doing such things as conducting foot patrol and traffic / parking enforcement (including OWI detection), executing arrest warrants, and looking for suspicious persons / activity. Officers are also required to process people who are arrested, prepare written reports to document their activities / investigations, and make court appearances to assist in the prosecution of those who violate local, state, and / or federal laws.
K9 Officer
Third shift patrol is fortunate to have a canine (K9) officer. The K9 officer handles all facets of the work of an officer, but is also available for specialized work such as
Area and building searches.
Burglary / robbery alarms.
In progress crimes.
Searching for lost persons.
Tracking and apprehension of fleeing suspects.
The K9 officer goes through ongoing training to maintain and improve his specialized skills. When not at work the canine lives with his handler and is a valued part of the handler's family.
Parking Control Officers
The Police Department employs three full time parking control officers, two of which are assigned to third shift. They are utilized to enforce overnight parking regulations and enforce parking ordinances. They also assist with crossing guard duties and other civilian based tasks within the police department. Parking control officers issue approximately 10,000 to 15,000 parking citations annually.