Plumbing Permits
The Plumbing Inspection Division issues plumbing permits and performs plumbing plan reviews of non-residential work involving 10 or more fixtures and associated inspections of all plumbing work. All plumbing work done in the City of West Allis must be performed with a plumbing permit.
Homeowners of single-family residences may obtain a plumbing permit for fixture replacements only, provided they occupy the residence. A homeowner may not replace fixtures in such a manner that requires relocation, alterations, removal or addition to existing hard piped drains, vents or water lines. See West Allis RMC 16.52 for list of fixtures that may be replaced by homeowners.
Homeowners may perform minor repair work required for proper maintenance of an existing plumbing system without obtaining a plumbing permit (for example: faucet repair, drain cleaning, etc.). All other work requires a State of Wisconsin licensed Master Plumber to obtain a plumbing permit. All permits must be secured prior to work commencing.
A plumbing plan review is needed if there is non-residential plumbing work involving alterations, changes, additions or new fixtures totaling 10 or more plumbing fixtures. Note: SPS 382.20 requires certain fixtures/systems (For example: grease interceptors) to be reviewed even though the 10 fixture threshold has not been met. See SPS 382.20 for exterior site work plan review requirements.