Police and Fire Commission
Third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m.
January, March, May, July, September, and November meetings are held at the West Allis Police and Court Center located at 11301 W. Lincoln Ave.
February, April, June, August, October, and December meetings are held at the West Allis Fire Administration Building located at 7332 W. National Ave.
All meetings are public meetings. In order for the general public to make comments at meetings however, an individual would need to schedule an appearance with the President of the Board or with the appropriate Chief.
Agenda and Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings.
Agendas are available in the Legislative Information Center.
Minutes are available following approval.
Minutes are available in the Legislative Information Center.
Organize and supervise the Fire and Police Departments.
Prescribe rules and regulations for their management and control.
Police & Fire Commissioners
The Mayor, village president or town chairperson appoints the members of a Police and Fire Commission. A Commissioner's term of office is five years. The current board of Police and Fire Commissioners are as noted:
Commissioner Mark Manthei, President
Commissioner Danielle Romain, Vice President
Commissioner Michelle Sutinen, Secretary
Commissioner Kimberly Cosby
Commissioner Sagar Tolani
Staff Support
Staff support for the Police and Fire Commission is provided jointly by the Police Department, 414-302-8000 and the Fire Department, 414-302-8900, The mailing address for official communications is West Allis Board of Police and Fire Commissioners, 7332 W. National Ave., West Allis, WI 53214
Police and Fire Complaint Procedure
In order to file an official complaint against a member of the Police or the Fire Department, a Citizen Complaint form Police Citizen Complaint Form or Fire Citizen Complaint Form should be completed and submitted as indicated on the form. It is encouraged that citizens review the Citizen Complaint Procedure Guide Police Commendation/Complaint Citizen Guide or Fire Commendation/Complaint Citizen Guide prior to submitting a complaint form.