Water Rates

Usage Charge

Previous Rate

Current Rate

First 100 CCF

$2.67 per CCF

$2.96 per CCF

Next 4,900 CCF

$2.52 per CCF

$2.82 per CCF

Next 5,000 CCF

$2.41 per CCF

$2.63 per CCF

Over 10,000 CCF

$2.17 per CCF

$2.26 per CCF

Water usage charge is the cost of the water used. The charge is based on metered consumption and is billed in CCF (hundred cubic feet). One CCF is equal to approximately 748 gallons.  The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) approves rates for the West Allis Municipal Water Utility. Current water rates were effective February 1, 2025.

Basic Service Charge by Meter Size

Previous Rate

Current Rate

5/8 Inch or 3/4 inch



1 Inch



1-1/4 Inch



1-1/2 Inch



2 Inch



3 Inch



4 Inch



6 Inch



8 Inch



The basic service charge is the cost of meter reading and maintenance, public fire protection including use of hydrants, and ensuring an adequate water supply that may be demanded for extinguishing fires. The quarterly service charge is based on the size of the water meter at the property. Current rates were effective February 1, 2025.

Sanitary Sewer Rates


Previous Rate

Current Rate

0-10 CCF

$19.50 (minimum charge)


Over 10 CCF

$1.95 per CCF

$2.15 per CCF

City sanitary sewer charge covers the cost of maintenance and operation of the City of West Allis sewer system. Costs are based on the volume of sewage that must be treated. Charges are based on the consumption of metered water to determine the amount of sewage each property discharges into the system. Current sanitary sewer rates were effective January 1, 2023.

Metro Sewer (MMSD) Rates


Previous Rate

Current Rate

Residential Single Family



Residential Duplex



Commercial/Residential 3+ Units

   - Connection Charge (Flat Rate)

   - Usage Charge (per CCF)


$1.98 per CCF


$2.21 per CCF

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) is a pass-through charge to cover the operation and maintenance costs of the MMSD sewerage treatment facilities and conveyance systems. Usage is determined by the consumption of metered water for commercial and residential properties with 3 or more units. The charge is a flat rate for single family and duplex properties. MMSD rates were effective January 1, 2024.

Storm Sewer Rates


ERU Quantity

Current Rate

Single Family






Three Family



Commercial & 4+ Family



The utility bill includes a flat fee to cover maintenance and operation of the storm sewer system. The quarterly charge is based on equivalent residential units (ERU). Residential properties with 1-3 units are assigned an ERU quantity per chart above. Commercial and residential properties with 4 or more units have ERU quantities determined by square footage of impervious area. One ERU is equal to 1,827 square feet of impervious area. The charge per ERU is $20.58. Current storm water rates were effective January 1, 2017.

Solid Waste & Recycling Rates


Billing Schedule

Previous Rate

Current Rate

Single Family








Three Family




Four Family (Recycling Only)




Mobile Home (individually metered)




Mobile Home (not individually metered)

Monthly (not on utility bill)



The utility bill includes one flat waste management fee. This fee plus partial funding from the State for the state mandated city recycling program provide covers the costs of collection and disposal of recycling and garbage. The charge is billed per residential unit.  Current rates were effective January 1. 2023.

Other Charges



Explanation of Charge

Payment Not Honored by Financial Institution


The utility shall assess a charge when a payment rendered for utility service is not honored by the customer's financial institution.

Special Billing (Landlord/Tenant)


The utility shall assess a charge to the requestor to cover the administrative expenses whenever an existing customer or the property owner requests a special billing outside of the normal utility billing. This charge may not be assessed to a new customer.

Special Meter Reading


The utility shall assess a charge to the requestor whenever an existing customer or the property owner requests a special meter reading by utility personnel on a date other than the regularly scheduled meter reading. This charge may not be assessed if the customer or the property owner provides the meter reading. This charge may not be assessed to a new customer.

Missed Appointment (Normal Business Hours)


The utility shall assess a charge to the requestor whenever an existing customer or the property owner requests a special meter reading by utility personnel on a date other than the regularly scheduled meter reading. This charge may not be assessed if the customer or the property owner provides the meter reading. This charge may not be assessed to a new customer.

Missed Appointment (After Normal Business Hours)


The utility shall assess a missed appointment charge when a customer, without providing reasonable cancellation notice, fails to be present at the customer's location for an appointment scheduled with utility personnel. The utility may not apply the charge for the first such missed appointment during normal business hours. The utility shall apply the charge for the first such missed appointment after normal business hours.

Real Estate Closing Account (Owner, Agent, Title Company, Bank, Attorney)

$50.00 - $100.00

The utility shall assess a charge whenever a customer or the customer's agent requests written documentation from the utility of the customer's account status in connection with a real estate closing. A special meter reading charge may also apply.