Rescheduling the Court Appearance

Initial appearance dates will not be rescheduled. You may enter a plea by mail or submit your plea at the West Allis Police / Municipal Court Center. You may also call the West Allis Municipal Court before your court date at 414-302-8181.  

If you have reason for adjourning your pre-trial date or trial date, you must request your court date to be rescheduled in writing. The request must be received by the court at least five business days or if it is a trial, ten business days before the scheduled court date. If the request is not received by the court within these days and you fail to appear in court as scheduled, the Judge may enter a default judgment.

Window Hours

Monday mornings at 8:30 a.m. There should be no reason to appear at the court window since your plea must be submitted before your court date via mail, email, of calling the court at 414-302-8181.