Resident Information

Be prepared for local construction and alleviate some of the stresses associated with capital improvement projects.

Project Timeline

  • Before Construction

    • Talk with your City inspector if you have any concerns about the project, such as saving certain aspects of your property or obtaining water filters.

    • If you would like additional concrete work done, speak with your inspector so everyone is on the same page. 

    • Remove any obstruction, such as flower pots, from within the Right Of Way.

    • On most City streets, the Right Of Way extends a foot or two behind the back edge of the sidewalk.

  • During Construction

    • The contractor will notify you at least 24-hours in advance of the street or alley closed.

    • If the street or alley will be closed on your normal garbage collection day, place your bin either near the street or as directed by the Department of Public Works Sanitation Division.

    • If you receive a parking ticket during construction, talk with your inspector. In most cases these tickets can be reversed.

    • Notify your inspector of any damages to your property as soon as possible.

  • After Construction

    • Water the seed or sod once the contractor is done maintaining it.

    • This would be approximately two weeks after the sod or seed is placed.

    • Watering is incredibly important to ensure the longevity and health of the new growth.