Training Unit

The Training Unit is responsible for the implementation, delivery, and coordination of training programs in the Police Department. In addition, the Training Unit oversees

  • Ballistic Vest Grant.

  • Department of Justice Reimbursement.

  • Field Training Officer Program.

  • Intern Program.

  • New Officer Training Program.

  • Police Department Vehicle Maintenance Garage.

  • Recruitment Program.

  • Uniform and equipment purchases.

The Training Unit assists other Bureaus with standard / directive development, research, and development.

Additional Training

In addition to the 720 hours that recruits receive through their State Certification Training (prior to hiring), each recruit is provided with 320 hours of New Officer Training. Upon successful completion of the New Officer Training, the officers then advance to the 896 hour Field Training Program (FTO). Upon successful completion of the FTO program, officers are then assigned to a patrol shift as full duty officers.

All other officers of the Police Department are required to complete at least 32 hours of In-Service training, as well as on-shift training. All officers are required to demonstrate proficiency with their firearms on a quarterly basis. Many officers take advantage of numerous other training opportunities provided outside of the department, with total hours training exceeding 4,000 hours on an annual basis.

Maintaining the Department 

The Training Unit is maintained by a lieutenant and sergeant, but the Police Department's vast array of instructors are the heart of the Unit, and they assist in the majority of topics covered each year.