Value of Tap Water

What is the price of water?

Potable Water:  748 gallons = $2.67 (1 CCF = 748 Gallons)

City Sanitary Sewer: 748 gallons = $2.15 (1 CCF = 748 Gallons)

Water & Sewer Combined:  748 gallons = $4.82 (1 CCF = 748 Gallons)

Average Residential Water Use


Gallons Used

Cost (Water & Sewer)

Load of Laundry

27 gallons

17 cents


20 gallons

12 cents

Dish Washing (Automatic)

4 gallons

2 cents

Toilet Flush

1.6 gallons

1 cent

Hand Washing

1.5 gallons

less than 1 cent