Wisconsin Department of Transportation Construction
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) in West Allis
WisDOT partners with the City of West Allis on many of the major street projects that impact multiple blocks at one time. These projects are usually multi-year efforts that require coordination between residents, the City, and state agencies. Listed below are the current Wisconsin Department of Transportation projects that are planned throughout the City.
Current Department of Transportation Projects
Reconstruction of W. Beloit Road between S. 60th Street and W. Lincoln Avenue.
Reconstruction of W. Lincoln Avenue between S. 93rd Street and S. 97th Street.
Reconstruction of W. National Avenue between W. Lincoln Avenue and S. 108th Street.
Businesses & Parking During Construction
Assistance for businesses and residents along construction projects that are concerned about impacts to business and parking during construction.
Completed Wisconsin Department of Transportation Project Photos