Join us for the next Community Conversation on April 8 at 6 p.m. at Aurora West Allis Medical Center at 8901 W. Lincoln Ave in Conference Room A. This time we'll talk on the topic of Creating a Community for All Ages. We’ll review key findings from the recent AARP Age-Friendly West Allis survey and discuss ways to support and engage our older adult community. The survey was taken by those 45+ years old and covered a variety of important topics related to housing, transportation, employment, communication, civic participation and more. This is your chance to share ideas, connect with neighbors, and help shape a more inclusive, thriving West Allis for everyone!
Conference Room A at Aurora West Allis Medical Center is located on the first floor of the main hospital, across from the cafeteria. Follow the green diamonds on the floor from the entrance. There are two parking structures and two surface lots.
Co-hosted by the West Allis Senior Center and Southwest Suburban Health Department, West Allis-West Milwaukee Recreation Center, Eras Senior Network, Life Navigators, and Aurora Health Care.